Time to Level Up
05 / 28 / 2018
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- Global consumer electronics firm.
- Multiple retail partners.
- Robust national field force.
The Challenge
- Raise the profile, product knowledge and perception of the Client’s product line among Retail Sales Associates.
- Drive additional awareness and engagement on all Client courses that highlight the latest product technology, features and benefits.
- Deliver measurable results on the campaign’s impact on brand perception, brand mindshare and course engagement.
Our Solution
- Execute a multi-week/multi-course campaign that exposes Retail Sales Associates to the premium benefits of the Client’s product line.
- Strategically increase the award value and quantity week-over-week to drive continued engagement and enhanced gamification.
- Ensure learning continuity by tethering each course to one another.
- Utilize SellPro Insight* to measure brand perception pre-campaign, during the active campaign and post-campaign.
- Leverage all SellPro messaging channels to not only drive awareness of the training courses, but reinforce brand messaging as well.
- Align all digital communications, messaging and timing with field force execution.
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